Travel for personal development, training and practice. The European programs “Erasmus+” and “European Solidarity Corps” provide an opportunity to participate in various training projects.

The knowledge acquired by the participants in all three variants is recognized as a learning experience and you receive it  Youthpass.

The youth exchange enables groups of young people from different countries to meet, live together and work on common projects for short periods of time (5 to 21 days maximum). They are held outside the schools. Includes: seminars, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities, etc.

Youth exchanges

By volunteering, you contribute to the day-to-day work of organizations that work for the benefit of communities. The focus here is solidarity and solving social problems. By participating, you gain useful experience, skills and competencies for your personal and professional development. You create a network of contacts and friendships.


The training courses support the professional development of youth workers through training opportunities or networking abroad. The stay abroad may include courses, study visits, exchange of work experience or supervision of work in appropriate organizations, etc.

Training courses

With the support of the European program “Erasmus+”, KA1, Youth